--> Ethio Forensic
enyewdebash1989@gmail.com ++251 911 90 43 58


Get Started

Our Vision

Ethio Forensic Medical Consultancy and Clinical Service PLC is founded by team of forensic pathologists in 2022. We are the first forensic medical consultant in Ethiopia. We are committed to provide 24hr medical and advanced forensic pathology, DNA, toxicology, Age estimation and sexual assault examination consulting services. We provide consultation services for patients, attorneys, lawyers, family members, Embassies, Insurance companies and other stakeholders with pertinent questions about disease conditions, circumstances of death and injury including forensic evaluation of causes and manner of death. We provide standard services in embalming, repatriation of human remains and funeral services. We provide consultation for any medical case and work collaboratively on public health issues.

Our Values

To be the most trusted and respected forensic and medical consulting firms recognized by our clients for delivering excellence through proven results.

About Us

To serve the healthcare and justice system by providing the highest quality services that address their medical and forensic cases; working collaboratively to reduce preventable diseases and deaths. To serve the community by providing accurate and reliable forensic consultations while showing compassion for the human condition and dignity for all who are living and deceased.


We Have 24 Hour Service on

Forensic Pathology

Forensic Toxicology

Forensic DNA

Clinical Forensic Medicine

Other Services

Make an Appointment